AusTech news - Episode 12: Websites from the dead
Episode 12: Websites from the dead
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- AMD buys graphics maker ATI for $5.4 Billion
Link to source (yahoo)
- Portal, the clever puzzle game by Valve
Link to further information as well as a video showing it off (youtube)
- Youtube popularity explode
Link to youtube... no not really, the source
- Intel Conroe chip is out! E6700 oc'ed from to 2.66 TO 3.5ghz
Link and benchmarks
- Half-life 2 "survivor" is a FPS in the arcades
Link to website containing pictures
- Corporate Websites from 1996
Link to website.. haha.
- And a video by myself! Unreal Tournament with the new X-fi sound patch
Link to download file off
Leave a comment there if you like it, it shows off what the new features are very well.
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