Wednesday, May 31, 2006

AusTech news - episode 6: Intarweb!

Episode 6: Intarwebs!

Remember you can always subscribe by clicking the podcast icon in the top right, or by putting this link into your iTunes/podcast program:

to download it directly (37:40, 15.0mb), click here


- Aussie search engine guy wows google
Link to source

- macbook lightsaber
Link to source and a video of it in action

- Videotable rocks your world
Link to source

- Internet plans
We talk about what our current internet plans are and why, and what to look for when shopping around for a new ISP to buy your internet.

- Myspace extortion
Link to source

- Talk about Headphones again
- PSP Modchip is in development!

Also don't forget...

Star wars kid
Link to video on youtube and also a link to clone videos which are hilarious also

This weeks tip - Use speed fan to make your PC more silent
Link to speedfan's website
Its a small download, nice and easy to run and is safe to use

Don't forget the email address at email address , I think we will become antique before we get an email to read out at this rate! so fire one off and be the first.

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