Tuesday, May 02, 2006

AusTech news - third episode: Return of the Shaun

Time for the second podcast, lets hope things get smoother and more rapid after this one!
Remember you can always subscribe by clicking the podcast icon in the top right, or by clicking on the feed link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AustechNews

to download it directly (47:19, 21.6mb), click here

- John howard chimes in

- Super Nintendo overclocking guide

- Macs May No Longer Be Immune to Viruses

- Playstation 3 at GDC

- Battlefield 2 1.3 patch coming soon
Link to official announcement on EA's Site

- CSS with HDR - is it really worth it?

End note - Saving Google Video files as a .avi http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2006/04/download-google-videos-as-avi-files.html

A useful link to check out to be able to save GoogleVideo's files as avis - no downloading of any programs needed!

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