ausTech news - Episode 28: Zune zune
Episode 28: Zune zune
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If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (35:16, 16.1 mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)
Wii: The Total Story
Great reading for getting yourself hyped up for its release
Nvidia unleashes Cuda-enabled GeForce 8800
Respect - Its a powerhouse!
Internode/Others to offer 8mbit ADSL1
Go-go internode powaaahh
Top 101 gaming moments
Seriously, the best read I've had in a long time. Bring on the fuzzy memories!
Agile Communications in $3.5m broadband deal with SA Govt
Bring on the govt spending
I talk about my experience of moving on to a mac from a graphic and web designers viewpoint.
On a sidenote - see you at the expo! I might attempt to make some short pieces there and put them into a mini podcast. is a free files sharing service, lets you host files up to 1Gb per file 7 days in week and 24 hours in day. Not bad!
More than just a some crazy sounding letters, I made a 6:47 long video containing highlights of a ladder match between two well known clan - playing Battlefield 2.
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