ausTech news - Episode 26: e-Bomb!
Episode 26: e-Bomb!
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- Logitech Z10 Speakers announced
Touch sensitive buttons, two simultaneous audio inputs? drool...
- EA's worldwide comp for b2142 - still no information about australian registrants!
EA's last press release
- Breaking news: explosion reported at office of eBay affiliate Paypal
b-b-b-burn baby burn
- JotSpot is now part of Google
- Windows Vista mail
Pretty pictures
- Shauns rant on iPods breaking - again
- Diablo 3 Existance Confirmed
- The world's largest digital photo
Follow this link, then click on 8.6g/pixel image in the top right
A website, but not just another one. This lets you buy keys to most games out there, letting you play it online - and legit! listen to the description in the podcast for more info.
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