Friday, December 08, 2006

ausTech news - Episode 31: Optimus dooomed!

Episode 31: Optimus - dooomed

Remember you can always subscribe by clicking the podcast icon in the top right, or by putting this link into your iTunes/podcast program: - Its easy and free to subscribe, and gives you the show as soon as we make them!

If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (42:10, 19.3 mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)


The Optimus 103 keyboard is doomed!
Its a sad demise...

Top 10 Complaints About The PS3 and Wii!
Well, the PS3 link , and the Wii link

Kevin Rose confirms iPhone?
We have a big chat about it as well

Engadgets christmas guide
Its a good read - guides for both him and her!

This weeks tip:

This is a great resource to set up port forwarding on your Computer. Often you will need this when playing a new game multiplayer, or install an application which uses the internet. This makes the whole process real easy

Video of the week:

Disguising telephone poles no, don't yawn - this is a clever and neat way to hide those ugly telephone poles you see out and about
Currently youtoube has the record for most times in a row linked to for this part..

Brett - scary mary Mary poppins. now available in trailer sized and with a horror theme. Short and creepy

Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well

Enjoy the wii launch!

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