Thursday, January 11, 2007

ausTech news - Episode 35: CONSUMER APPLE SHOW


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If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (38:41, 17.7 mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)


How do you fix a undersea cable?
A follow up to last week. Regards to the earthquake in asia

Victim spots stolen GPS on eBay, seller gets pinched
I bet this seller gets an F-!

ASUS Unveils External Graphics Card
Info and pictures here

More details about IPTV on Xbox 360
So much for a gaming only console

Apples keynote
The keynote itself here, and info on what they launched here

SanDisk Sansa View
Which looks to be a favourite for Shaun

We also answer some listener feedback, which was great to do too.

This weeks tip:
Short and sweet, but make yourself heard on the Whirlpool broadband review!

Video of the week:
Ping pong watch
Imagine having a replica pong machine on your wrist that gives you a score based time!
... and I love the music in it

Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well.

New to the podcast, is that we are on digg now. It has a basic audio player, as well as lets you digg the show and episodes you like!

secret link..

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