ausTech news - Episode 44: STREET ADVIS-AH
Enjoy our interview this week on australia's tech and gaming podcast with Adam Spencer about his new website street advisor! As well as Brett and Shauns take on the news this week.
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Displayport Standard to replace VGA and DVI!
Source: engadget
Xbox360 mini keyboard is official
Source: Engadget
A bullet stopped by an iPod in tikrit
AMD does drastic cpu price cuts
Source: extremetech - useful if you want a small update to your current pc!
Halo 3 Multiplayer beta official date
Source: (I wonder if its going to be better than "ninjas in burning ambulances at 100mph"..
Resident evil 4 is going to be updated for the nintendo wii - information
Shaun and Brett talk about the movies that they seen in the last week - 300, as well as Hot Fuzz
Main Story
First impressions of Adobe photoshop CS3
Three launches X-Series mobile broadband
Playstation 3 Launch
Top 7 PR Disasters
80 Turn up to the launch at Myer in australia!
For the people fed up with having to do things like buy DU Meter, this is a freeware way of seeing how much bandwith and speed you are really using up with your internet. The good parts of this one include a estimate of what you will use that month, good for staying under your cap or download limit!
DailyDIY to the rescue again!
To be honest, I have no idea how to describe this video.
It's a very well put together 3D and musical piece that explores life and its creation..
Go watch on youtube
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Secret link: a red ps3... for $12,000!