ausTech news - Episode 56: XBOX TANKED
Episode 56: XBOX TANKED
Well, E3 Came and went, Lets go through what
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Tank rampage in melbourne - source
Microsoft admits all xbox 360's are defective! - source
E3 Wrapup
I also talk a fair bit about all of the conferences, and any new stuff - like the Wii-fit!
iPhone's hidden fees.. - read and laugh
Geek squad is stealing your porn - oh noes!
World in Conflict beta: - grab your key here
Too many videos to cover, so lets just go by the names: Halo 3, Star Wars Unleashed, Medal of Honour: Airbourne , and a lot more are watchable and downloadable if you go to
I recommend that you use the above link and download Metal Gear Solid 4's stuff!
Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well. Thanks for supporting the show and listening to it!
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