Tuesday, January 22, 2008

ausTech news Episode 78: Macbook - load of air?

Episode 78: Macbook - load of air?

On this show I catch up with the Macworld Expo, go past the gloss and find a diamond in the rough, as well as catch up with how Call of Duty 4 is going as I played a ladder match in it.

Short Stories
Alex Navarro also leaves gamespot after the kane and lynch contraversy, 2015 may see UDHTV, which is 7680 x 4320, 22.1 channel or 33 megapixel ( just how big is that? ), Playstation 3 now costs $400 to manufacture, Sun just bought MySQL for 1 Billion (here ), Anyone who hasn't played quake and are about to download the demo? dont, as it has a glitch in the installer. Doh. ShackNews have a trailer of Uwe Bolls Postal, available here, Command and Conquer screenshots have emerged of a mobile version called Tiberium Wars, World of Warcraft has a Signed Integer for its gold value, which means that you can have a max of 214,748 gold, 36 Silver and 48 copper.

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New Gen media costs $5 to make
cooltechzone.com - source

Windows Vista SP1 Patch available to the public
wired.com - source

Bodyheat can charge your cellphone
tgdaily.com - source

amBX for Supreme Commander
fangaming.com -source

Ex Midway Guy invented the wiimote?
gonintendo.com - source

It's illegal to take photos of Ford Cars
boingboing.net - source

Video(s!) of the week:
Life as a turret in portal
Even if you don't like Portal, this is a great parody that should reach out to
most gamers who do the smack talk.
Go watch on youtube

What happens when last googles parents leave town
A party with all the big names on the internet.
I'm talking Myspace, eBay (warning: swearing)
cracked.com for the win

Meet the Spartans

You should watch this for the Britney spears parody alone!
Another movie that takes the mickey out of others

Our email address is austechnews@gmail.com . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well. Thanks for supporting the show and listening to it!

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