ausTech news - Episode 25: IE7 Launch
Episode 25: IE7 Launch
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- New Apple macbookpro slipped in
Here is apples swank site as well as the pricing for the original and new Macbook Pros
- IE7 Launch
Do you dare visit microsoft's site?
- Sony thinks the Xbox 360 costs $925aud to match the ps3!
More sony shafting. And yeah, they stuffed up again
- Interview
A interview with the current top H*EA*T battlefield 2142 player, Nemisis_ace.
We talk about the game itself, and if its worth buying. On top of that, the future of Gamearena's ladder with the game too! A great listen for both pro and casual gamers.
- The 20 worst video games of all time
Hilarious reading
- 5 Reasons why games based on movies suck
Point by point!
This program is a lightweight and freeware version of Photoshop. It is extremely fast and has layers - give it a go!
A parody of all those "guy takes a photo for X years" - funny, and has a story too!