ausTech news - Episode 39.1 Hospitalised!
Episode 39.1 Hospitalized!
We talk about all the new things coming up, and catch you up on where we've been the last few weeks.
Apologies for the delays in getting the full episode! My isp neighburhood cable left me in the dark about a city wide outage, and as annoying as it was, I was finally able to get the episode up. Boo to them! If your episode cut off earlier, I recommend you re-download the episode ( here or the link below as well ) so you can listen to the full episode, and have a laugh at our popular tip and video of the week!
Remember you can always subscribe by clicking the podcast icon in the top right, or by putting this link into your iTunes/podcast program: - Its easy and free to subscribe, and gives you the show as soon as we make them!
You can have a listen using the player here:
If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (30:10, 13.8mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)
Lastly, we are also on digg, if you would like to vote for us on there!:
Sony developer begs fans to hold off on buying God of War 2
And his story is weirder!
Command and Conquer 3 demo
1gig Download, Mirrors:
Internode - recommended
Hurry up and catch up ATI!
Interview with Matt Groening on the Simpsons movie, and the return of futurama
Current state of ATI and nvidia's drivers
State bans youtube in schools - but not for what you think!
What will they think of next..
With both a program you can download, and a web version that just lets you upload your picture, and off you go.
Have a look!
This is a segment from Top Gear. very powerful to watch!
So have a look, then
Bonus: Battlefield Bad Company Teaser - funny.
Parodying the look and feel as well as narration it self of this very funny clip. I will not go into any further information, as its great to just see it fresh and funny.
Click around if you have trouble - you want to watch any of the videos there
Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well.
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