Sunday, March 18, 2007

ausTech news - Episode 41: GDC

Episode 41: GDC
The Game Developers conference was this week, as well as more apple rumors!
Tune on in

Remember you can always subscribe by clicking the podcast icon in the top right, or by putting this link into your iTunes/podcast program: - Its easy and free to subscribe, and gives you the show as soon as we make them!

If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (44:52, 20.5mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)

Lastly, we are also on digg, if you would like to vote for us on there!:


Photographer Captures Fleeing Hit-And-Run Suspect with Zoom Lens
Link to story

BetterLight intros 416-megapixel digital camera back

Sandisk announces a Flash based harddrive for laptops
More, more!

Apple accidently Leaks a 8 Core Mac Pro ad!
8 Cores... yikes

Viacom is going to sue Google for ...... 1 Billion dollars!

Apple is rumoured to make a flash based Notebook
Analyst story and comments from digg

The game developers conference 2007
Wired's information as well as game devs coverage

Command and Conquer Finally Gold
As well as that, we talk about what "gold" actually means!

This weeks tip:
This program is small but very powerful. You use it to replace text you type with common things you find yourself writing. On a small level, typing a few letters to be replaced with your email, or signature. On a more advanced level, It could place a block of code, moving your cursor to a bit you can customize. Try the link for a better description, but I love it!
Link to DailyDIY to download it.

Video of the week:
300 - This is Spartaaaa!
Looks like a war/action movie thats worth watching!
Watch the awesome trailer here on youtube
And, the making of! Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6
Can't wait to watch it proper when it comes out in Australia April 7th.

Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well. Thanks for supporting the show and listening to it!

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