Friday, March 09, 2007

ausTech news - Episode 40: Big Broadband

Episode 40: Big Broadband
Whirlpools Broadband survey is in, an AI goes to court, and Optus want to do voip!

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If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (36:50, 16.5mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)

Lastly, we are also on digg, if you would like to vote for us on there!:


Photoshop cs3 big announcement on march 27th
ITwire source and further information

Fable 2 Secret revealed

Real Picture of the Optimus Keyboard?
It makes me want to cry talking about it..

The Australian Broadband Survey for 2006 results are in
Have a look, there are some interesting numbers

Apple says updated iTunes still faces Vista problems
I'm a mac! heh.

161 exabytes and growing
That is a lot of data...

PS3 Development: Kutaragi's Big Secret
Bring on the sony bashing...

AI busted for practicing law without a license
Bahaha, that will teach it

Optus to hype up its own voip
And I'm left disapointed.

This weeks tip:
Go watch heroes!

Video of the week:
Blendtec - Will it blend?
A collection of funny videos showing what kind of things that you can (but shouldn't!) mix.
Youtube still is the rockzor for links..

Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well. Thanks for supporting the show and listening to it!

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