Saturday, August 09, 2008

Next Episode - Sunday! ocz Nia review

Next Episode - Late Sunday!

This episode will be a big one, and I won't mess around much to say why, but I think this video will help describe why...

As part of this very special piece of hardware arriving, with me being one of the first in australia to receive one, I quickly unpacked it and jumped in head first. the video above has show you what day three of this is like. A lot of other users have reported that they see best results after 2 weeks of training and more. So, I have decided to put out frquent video updates of me playing various games. If there are any questions, games you'd like to see me playing with it etc... don't forget to fire off an email to me and ask me.

So until then, enjoy the weekend! More OCZ Nia news as it happens.

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