Thursday, September 07, 2006

AusTech news - Episode 18: R.I.P Steve Irwin

Episode 18: R.I.P Steve Irwin

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To download this show straight away (46:10, 21.1 mb), click here


- Breaking news PS3 PAL launch delayed to March 2007
Thanks to Digg for the up to the minute update.

- Aussie "bionic eye" doing well in clinical trials
I can't wait until this replaces a TV screen one day

- SanDisk promises a RAW deal
Holy bad puns batman!

- Battlefield 2 v1.4 is out now!
Link to internodes mirror - probably the fastest, 530meg.

- Katrina: guy who saved 200 with boat sued by boat's owner
Oh the irony in the USA...

- Australian scientists working on "suspicious behavior" monitoring
Big brother knows you are packing some bacon.

- Simones rant and discussion on security!
Simone talks about WEP's weak security, and some new exploits out there, be careful with your wireless connections..

- And The Best Antivirus Is…
Guess who came first?

This weeks video picks
Oldie but a goodie - It's a NINTENDOOOO SIXTEEEYYY FOURR!!
Link on youtube

This weeks tip:
53 Photography tips for professionals
Have a gander at these tips, lots of ways and examples of a pro taking great landscape and portait photos.
Link to the source on, well worth the clickie

Always there, always loving like a fork in the behind -
its our email address at

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