Thursday, August 09, 2007

ausTech news - Episode 59: EYE ON MAC

Episode 59: Eye on Mac

Apple had a product announcement, and I thought I'd wait around and get the juicy bits from it so I can pass it on! As well as that, Logitech are about to bring out some new hardware, for the win!

Remember you can always subscribe by clicking the podcast icon in the top right, or by putting this link into your iTunes/podcast program: - Its easy and free to subscribe, and gives you the show as soon as we make them!

If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (29:28, 13.4mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)

Lastly, we are also on digg, if you would like to vote for us on there!:


Nintendo wii about to catch up with the 360! - source and stats

Apples new stuff - summary of news stories

Logitechs G9 and G15 update - original story
Image of the new G15 Keyboard

Web Based Quake Zero announced - source

During this episode, I also talk about the Asus EEE laptop, a laptop I can't wait to get when it comes out locally - so be sure to stay tuned for the latest info about it.

Tip of the week:
G15 Information Applet
A lcd screen add-on for your G15 Logitech keyboard. If you've played around with a few already and wanted something really meaty try this - it literally scans through webpages you look at, and displays the important stuff so you can go away and play games while still staying up to date! - with thanks for their applet

Video of the week:
iD announces RAGE
iD Software have been working on their next engine for a long time, and it shows in this neat looking trailer for the future game.
Not youtube, but for once!

Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well. Thanks for supporting the show and listening to it!

Secret one: His shoes popped off!
Secret two: the little helicopter I was talking about

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