Thursday, August 16, 2007

ausTech news - Episode 60: NOKIA BOOBOO

Episode 60: Nokia booboo

First Sony done it, now Nokia have joined the ranks! Listen in and find all about their mess up.

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If you'd like, you can download this show straight away (21:30, 9.8mb), by clicking here (if you get a prompt, you want to save it to your computer)

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Aussie lingo causes scare - source

Nokia recalls 46 Million batteries - Short snippet

Heavenly Sword has 10gig of Sound Data Alone - source

Bioshock gone gold - source

Bittorrent becomes closed source - source

Olympic committee chooses XP over Vista - source

Xbox 360 price drop - information

Video of the week:
Gangsta Star wars
20 Million views, as popular as the numa numa man
Atomfilms is where it's at

Our email address is . However feel free to leave a voice mail for feedback and comments on the show as well. Thanks for supporting the show and listening to it!

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